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Taiwan Malware Analysis Net (抬丸郎)

The Developer of TWMAN+ who would like to thanks National University of Tainan in Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan and Acer eDC in Taiwan for their kindly supporting this Open Source Research Project. 

In addition, the Developer also thanks the National Science Council in Taiwan for financially supporting under the Grant NSC99-2911-I-024-004, and National Center for High-Performance Computing in Taiwan for previous version of this project (TWMAN) supported during 2008/11/17 to 2011/09/28. Finally, TWMAN+ is Developed and Copyrighted by TonTon Hsien-De Huang and which is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3.

Core By Truman 0.1 (SecureWorks) | Licensed under GNU General Public License version 3. Developer & Copyrighted by : TonTon Hsien-De Huang

Malware Analysis Network in Taiwan (抬丸郎)

分層 區間二型模糊 知識本體模型 之  複合惡意程式行為分析 系統

A Hierarchical IT2FO Model for Hybrid Malware Behavior Analysis System

H. D. Huang, C. S. Lee, M. H. Wang, and H. Y. Kao, "IT2FS-based ontology with soft-computing mechanism for malware behavior analysis," Soft Computing, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 267-284, 2014. 

The Developer who would like to thanks Mr. Jazz Yao-Tsung Wang, Mr. Figaro Chen-Ho Yang, Dept. Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) in National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU), Dept. Information and Learning Technology (ILT), National University of Tainan (Taiwan) for their kindly supporting this Research Project.